Carrie Patterson
Salmon Creek Learning Center
Grades 5 - 12
B.S., Oregon State University
Graduate Work - Portland State University
Multnomah University
Educational expertise:
- Vocational Education (CTE)
- Home Economics, Health, Science
Additional areas of expertise:
- Homeschooling Parent Qualifying Course
- Achievement Testing (CAT/5)
- Non-test assessments
- High School Consulting
In the spring of 1992, Carrie’s husband, Gordon, attended a science competition and watched a team of Family Academy/Academy Northwest students compete. As a result, they became teacher consultants.
Salmon Creek Learning Center opened in the fall of 1993 as a small group of elementary students. They enrolled their first high school student the following year. In 1994, they were asked to develop a parent qualifying course and began team teaching The Homeschooling Seminar. They then added testing services and non-test assessments. After working with many parents and high school students, Carrie developed the Planning for High School and Beyond workshop.
After Gordon’s untimely death in September 2009, Carrie continued the learning center and now teaches weekly classes to students from all over Clark County. Besides teaching, she enjoys sewing, travelling, camping, and gardening.
Learning Center Format:
Small group instruction
Vancouver, WA
Online & Distance Learning
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