Nola Smith
Pacific Learning Solutions
This learning center is currently FULL. Please contact pacificlearningsolutions@gmail.com to be added to a waitlist.
Areas of Educational Expertise
Educational Expertise:
Working with Dyslexic students and offering individual conferences with families doing high school home school.
This learning center has a variety of other teachers and works with Academy Northwest in offering accreditation for grades 9th - 12th.
"Every student has a gift. We encourage unlocking potential for life-long learning."
About Me
After 53 years of teaching I am not about to quit. Teaching young students is the most exciting and fulfilling occupation. Living within a Christian perspective gives working with students a deeper understanding.
My services are for people who believe in their students. Enrolling at my learning center will help you to have a professionally certified teacher to work with for the betterment of the academic life of your young person.
About My Learning Center
Our learning center is in north Marysville. We currently serve about 18 high school students three to four days per week and meet with the parents at least once per month. There is continuous communication with the family and/or students about success and ways to improve academically.
To come...
Our Class Offerings
Coming soon...